"Stepping out of the Frame"
29-30 Jul 2015 Lyon (France)

ESLP 2015

ESLP 2015: "Stepping out of the Frame"

The Marc Jeannerod - Institute for Cognitive Sciences in Lyon (France) is proud to host the 8th annual Conference on Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP), from July 29, 2015 - July 30, 2015.


 Escaping_criticism_by_pere_borrel_del_caso_copie.png Pere Borrell del Caso. Escapando de la crítica, Madrid (1874)

The 8th annual conference on Embodied and Situated Language Processing: “Stepping out of the Frame” encourages novel perspectives on the interpretation of language-induced activity in modality specific brain regions. The traditional view that activity in these brain regions serves the elaboration of word meaning has repeatedly been challenged. Yet, the fact that language can penetrate almost instantly into perceptual and motor structures of the brain remains as extraordinary as it was at the beginning. So, why does language recruit these structures?

An overarching goal of this conference is to bring together researchers from different domains to provide complementary insights that will help refining existing accounts of embodiment in language processing.

In line with this goals, our KEYNOTE speakers come from different disciplines (Neurology, Neuroscience, Cognitive Sciences and Linguistics) and present work spanning from the neural basis of language to theories of word meaning.

Registration and abstract submission are now open.

A Frontiers Research Topic (an online collection of articles) will be associated to this conference. Oral as well as poster presentations will be considered as potential articles for this research topic.


Organizing team:

Tatjana A. Nazir (ISC-Marc Jeannerod); Yves Paulignan (ISC-Marc Jeannerod); Raphaël Fargier (University of Geneva); Victor Frak (UQAM - Canada); Anne Cheylus (ISC-Marc Jeannerod); Christiane Battoue (ISC-Marc Jeannerod).

ESLP 2015 Booklet

ESLP 2015 Program

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